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TRX Force Kit Review

I recently picked up a TRX Force Trainer Kit.

I have to say, I’m pretty impressed.  The build quality of this unit is extremely high.  It’s clear that TRX spent a good amount of thought to ensure they were building a strong, durable and safe piece of training equipment.  The system also comes with a workout book that contains exercises and workout/conditioning programs.

I’ve only done the 1st 4 workouts in the series, but I can tell you for a 30-45 minute workout, you really feel it.  Many of the exercises force the use of small stabilizing muscles and a lot of core strength.  Strengthen the core and you get stronger everywhere.

Yes it’s a bit spendy, but it’s portable, well thought out and durable. I think it’s good value for the money and definitely a nice cross training aide for triathletes who spend a lot of time swimming, biking and running, but little time strengthening other muscles to avoid injury or become just generally stronger.  Compared to so many other tools that triathletes spend money on, it’s pretty cheap.  Compared to a gym membership, it’s very inexpensive.


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