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Because when you're out on the course, all that's there is your internal monolog

I’m a pretty big fan of First Endurance and their product line.  I think I use pretty much everything they sell except for their multi-vitimin (and that’s only because I had a regimen that I’m very happy with before finding First Endurance).   I’ll write reviews of Ultragen and OptigenHP at a different time.  Today, I want to review for you: EFS Liquid Shot and Pre-race and an effective.. ok super-effective combination referred to as The EFS Holy Hand Grenade!!!

When I 1st tried EFS Liquid shot, I have to tell you, I was pretty turned off by the taste.  It’s very strong flavoured and takes a little getting used to; however, the strong flavour serves a purpose.  It encourages you to drink water or other fluids and not just suck back gel.  You need to be consuming liquid with your gel or it sits in your gut and doesn’t get into your blood stream.  I’ve found with many thick sweet gels (or worse, chew supplements) that drinking isn’t 2nd nature after consuming them.   Not good.  Liquid shot, consumed straight, will encourage you to drink – don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t taste BAD, it’s just STRONG.   Now… dilute the shot with water in a bottle or in your mouth and it’s quite palatable further, it contains about the same carbohydrate nutrition as a gel, but also, and more importantly amino acids and a good dose of electrolytes.  I recently packed 1 flask (400cals) of EFS Liquid shot for my 3.5 hr run in 30C summertime heat along with a backpack hydration pack of water, during my run I was consuming EFS and water throughout.  When I finished I felt great!  Hydrated, balanced and not the ravenously hungry that I’ve come to associate with being out of balance w. my electrolytes.  Now that’s powerful stuff!

In the past, typically during races, I’d also used First Endurance’s Pre-race formula.  Looking for a pick-me-up for a race?  Something to get you moving and keep you moving? Something that seems to magically drive your endurance levels much higher AND is safe if you’re in a program where drug screening is used.  Well Pre-race is for you.  This stuff just plain works!  I’ll caution you that.. well… it may work too well.  When I was first experimenting with it, I accidentally took too much and felt like I was going to fly out of my skin.  So follow their instructions.  Start with 1/2 a scoop and adjust based on your sensitivity.

Recently First Endurance posted a video about the EFS Holy Handgrenade: a mix of EFS Liquid shot, pre-race and water.

Having tried both products independently, I felt pretty confident mixing them in a race situation, so I did so during my last sprint tri.  1/2 way through the 30k bike course there was a turn-around.  I had a flask of the handgrenade mixed and in my bento box.  While I was slowed for the 180 degree turn, I threw back the handgrenade and some water. In about 15 minutes, I felt the rush starting and it carried me through the rest of the bike and through into the run.  Definitely something that I’m going to keep in my “bag of tricks”.

If you haven’t tried First Endurance’s products, I think you should give them a try.  Nutrition is such a personal thing when it comes to endurance racing, but the team at 1st Endurance has come up with some products that I’ve standardized on and can’t see leaving any time soon.

1 Comment

  1. by Ironman Muskoka 70.3 Bike Course Pre-ride Report | Internal Mono(b)log, on July 13 2011 @ 9:00 pm


    […] The last 20k of this course is tough!  Your legs are tired, your butt is tired, and some of the most aggressive climbing on the entire course is in the last 20k.  Make sure you’re hydrated, fueled, caffeinated, and have energy in the bank when you hit this section.  There are bottle exchanges at Dorset and Baysville, take advantage of them! It’s going to be hot, and you’re going to be sweating through a lot of fluids.  And of course, don’t forget, you have a 21k run waiting for you on the other side of the bike.  I know part of my strategy for getting through this section and into the run […]

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