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Don’t Blame BP Alone

The oilspill that’s currently gushing into the gulf of Mexico is a terrible horrible environmental catastrophe and BP definitely holds a great deal of responsibility for that damage. They earned it by cutting corners, using (not) good enough short-cuts and (probably) poorly trained staff.

But! BP alone should not hold the blame for this.

WE (you and I) are as much of the problem here as BP is. WE drive cars. WE rely on trucking to get food to our groceries. WE rely on petroleum based fertilizers to nourish our crops, that we either eat or worse feed to animals that we then slaughter and eat. WE live in a land where we demand such excess that food rots on grocery shelves. A land where it’s somehow acceptable to transport WATER from an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean to hour grocery and variety store shelves so that we can drink the same stuff that comes out of the ground all around us at designer prices in fancy bottles (made of plastic aka petroleum products). WTF!

Did you make a lot of noise to try to stop drilling in the Gulf of Mexico? It’s likely been happening since before you were born. Been protesting much? How about the Alaskan oilfields or the tar sands? Do anything about that? Hmm?? Sell the car yet or just complain about the price of gas? Add better insulation to your home, replace the windows/doors or just complain about how much it costs to heat/cool your abode? Switch over to Bullfrog Power or some other green power supplier? Buying carbon offsets from or others? I thought not. It’s too easy to be complacent until an event like this smacks us around.

BP’s just been doing what we’ve demanded of them: get us oil cheaply. We don’t really care how (until something goes wrong)! Just give us our fix now, we’ll worry about the next hit in the future.

Sure BP’s hands are covered in death and oil in the gulf. But so are ours! So don’t be too quick to pickup and throw that oil-covered stone. It may just hit you in the head!

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