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Because when you're out on the course, all that's there is your internal monolog

I Step Closer…

To the “Police State”. Lets face it here folks. Guns don’t kill people: people kill people. The Martin/Miller idea to make handgun ownership illegal is nothing new. It’s pretty much patently illegal to own a handgun in Ontario already and it’s damn near impossible to get the license to own one. Unless, of course, you belong to a shooting club and you get express permission to take your handgun from your home to the club along a defined route with no stops.

Handgun ownership of almost every kind would be illegal under the proposed “total” ban, which Liberal sources say would go further than any previous attempts to take guns out of people’s hands — whether criminals or simple collectors, whose guns are often the target of thieves.

Only police, security officers and a select few sport shooters would be allowed to own guns.

– Graham Fraser – see the entire article here

So what they’re saying is that they’re making illegal gun ownership *more* illegal? I don’t get it.

If I’m a criminal, or someone who really wants a handgun and I don’t give a damn about the legality of it, I can get one. It isn’t hard. If, on the other hand, I want to legally obtain a handgun the costs, process and investigations into my private life (not that I have anything to hide, but who wants people digging around) are unwieldy.

So, lots of political bluster equating to a preservation of the Status Quo. Guns are easy for criminals and impossible for good law abiding citizens who’d like to have the comfort of some home protection.

Wups… forgot… protecting one’s home in Ontario will land you in jail. Nice!

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