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Because when you're out on the course, all that's there is your internal monolog

Do You Really Think This USA?

Maxim, July 2005: …there are men and women overseas risking their lives so that you can access Web cams, buy Schlitz, and do every other morally-questionable-yet-still-legal thing that makes America fan-friggin’-tastic…

I don’t often read Maxim, but on occasion if I find it lying around I’ll take a flip through it. Why not? Who doesn’t like tripe every now and then, right? Anyhow, today I’m flipping through a copy while upon the throne and come across the abovementioned quote.

I have to ask: Do Americans (the USA variety, not the North American, or South American type) actually believe this? Do you/they actually believe that what people are being injured for and dying for in the Middle East has anything to do with the way of life in the ‘states?

I’ll be the 1st to admit that the attack against the ‘states that was the Twin Towers was unexpected and horrific, but the “Allied Forces” are not even in the country that housed the people at blame for the attack. There are no weapons of mass distruction, no bio-weapons plants, and they’ve brought in everyone and their brother, but still no Osama. It’s clear to the rest of the world that the USA is giving the middle East even more reason to hate them. Why can’t the USA see that? I predict that in 10-15 years there’ll be another attack, similar to the Twin Towers and all the Americans will be wondering “why do they hate us so?”. Well, let me tell you why. 10-15 years ago the USA and their “Coalition of the Willing” rolled tanks through the attackers’ villages, kill their parents, etc. etc. etc… It certainly doesn’t take much thought to see how this is going to play out.

While I’m on my Canadian Anti-USA rant, let me add a sidebar thought about the good ol’ boy President south of the border…

Today, Mr. Bush had the audacity to publically make the following statements (I nearly sprayed coffee through my nose when I read them):

Iran is ruled by men who suppress liberty at home and spread terror across the world,” he said in a statement released by the White House.

Mr. Bush, please, take a look in your own back yard. You have mass troups half-way around the world spreading your own form of fear and destruction. Maybe the West isn’t calling you a terrorist (to your face), but I can pretty much guarantee that the people in the Middle East who’s lands and rights you’re trampling are calling you a Terrorist (with a capital T).

US President George W Bush has criticised the presidential election taking place in Iran on Friday as ignoring the demands of democracy.

Ever heard of a hanging-chad? How about the situation in your 1st election where a huge portion of the Florida populus couldn’t vote? _Ignoring the demands of democracy_, indeed!

Maybe there aren’t any mirrors in the White House… that’d explain it.

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