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Because when you're out on the course, all that's there is your internal monolog

Wishes vs Goals

While I was out on my run today a track came on my mp3 player that had lyrics about making wishes.  It got me thinking: “If I were granted any 3 wishes and I knew they’d come true what would they be?”  It’s a common enough question and one that’s had people pondering for years.

The few cliche answers came to mind: super powers, good health, money, etc. and these were all dismissed as cliche pretty quickly.  Then I landed on “win kona”.  Yea I laughed too, don’t worry, it’s ok. 😉  But then I thought about it and backed off that to just “race in Kona”, thinking about that I backed off again to “knowing that I would qualify for Kona”.. again I backed off.    The most I could be happy with was “train strong, not get injured and race as hard I was able”.

My mental process for the step-backs was: knowing that I could do “X” because of the wish, “X” became a given, not a challenge and without the challenge the achievement was hollow.   Qualifying for Kona or just racing to the best of your potential at a given time with a given training base  is a goal to be achieved.  When achieved you can feel pride in that accomplishment.   Having it handed to you, without the challenge,  just makes it meaningless.

I guess that’s why I would never consider doping.  I wonder if those who dope are so blinded by the tinsel of the win that they forget the meaning of it.

I love the things that run through my mind when I’m training 🙂   Train hard my friends.

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