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Because when you're out on the course, all that's there is your internal monolog

Ironman New Orleans: 3 days out…

I’m down here in New Orleans, suffering through my taper, and prepping for the Ochsner Ironman70.3 New Orleans on Sunday.

Yesterday was a total rest day, and had me climbing the walls.  Today I got to do a few light workouts: 1 hr light bike, 30 minute light swim – definitely helped to manage the pent-up energy.

Tomorrow, I’m doing a short run (45 minutes) and then I’ll head down to the race hotel to checkin, get my race packet and perhaps see a little of the French quarter.  Generally, other than my minimal proscribed work-outs, I’m trying to stay off my feet, stretch, meditate and visualize the race.  I’m also trying to not fixate on the weather too much.

Yesterday they were forecasting a terrible storm that put the swim or potentially the entire race in question.  This morning, the anticipated impact to the area is 40% chance of showers on Saturday and clear Sunday (a huge improvement).   The weather will be what it is, and I don’t mind racing in bad weather, but from what I understand, bad weather can and likely would wash-out huge sections of the bike and run course and make the swim impossible.  Obviously, having trained and prepped (and spent) to be here to race, getting screwed by bad weather would be a heart-breaker.  But… I guess, it’ll be what it is.  Cross your fingers and toes and pray for good weather for me on Sunday 🙂

Tomorrow is also carb loading day.  I’ll follow my normal protocol which I outlined in my Panama lead-up.

Definitely feeling the taper… angst, irritable, almost vibrating… come on Sunday!

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