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Because when you're out on the course, all that's there is your internal monolog

IMPanama Countdown: Day 14: Caffeine

Today I’m enjoying every sip of every coffee, every slurp of Yerba Mate peppermint tea, every nibble of 99% cocoa solids chocolate. I may even have a caffeinated tea at some point and if I do I’ll make sure to slowly savour and enjoy it as well.  Today is my last caffeinated day until the morning of IMPanama.

English: Chemical structure of Caffeine. Franç...

I don’t drink a LOT of coffee (typically a cup or maybe 2 a day).  In my training, especially before intense workouts, I may use an ergogenic aide like First Endurance’s Pre-Race to help push hard and reach conditioning levels at the top ends of my current abilities. But, for the next 2 weeks, I’m doing a reset.  If my body has built any tolerance to these substances, the next 14 days will be enough to undo some of that habituation and allow their full effects to be felt and capitalized upon.

Does caffeine make a difference?  Well, based on a number of scientific studies, research papers, and other scholarly works there’s no clear answer.  In my laboratory of 1 (i.e. me) I know that coffee has a laxative effect (that I’ll certainly miss over the next 2 weeks), but that it also has a performance enhancing one.  First Endurance Pre-Race has been clinically shown to improve performance and one of it’s ingredients is also caffeine.  We also know that many of these ergogenic substances, over time, work to deplete your adrenals.  Giving my adrenal system time to recharge has got to be a plus.

So, I look at it this way:

  • since my experiments have shown it beneficial for me (even if only psychosomatically), and
  • given that I’ll be on vacation from work starting Tuesday (i.e. not having to wake at 5am to workout before work, being able to nap when I’m tired, etc), and
  • given that doing a detox every now and then is generally a “good thing”.

My 2 week caffeine fast can do nothing but good.

So, over the next few weeks, while you’re enjoying your morning brew, have a sip for me!  I’ll be drinking peppermint or some other herbal tea, Caflib, coconut water, almond milk or juice.  I’ll join you in a “Cup o’ Joe”on the 12th!


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